Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Running Around The Christmas Tree!

Hey all,

It's December! Well that went bloody quick didn't it!? First term of university is almost over and I am stressing with an exam I have in January! Will this ever end?!?!

I had some time on my hands a few days ago and I decided to crochet a Christmas tree and It came out super duper cute :D I love how it looks! Really brightened my day that I made it :)

I decided to do some nails inspired by it, I went with a simple dotted tree. Got the idea from Kayla over at 

Really easy and cool looking :)

Here it is!

OH DEAR! Ignore my unpainted thumb! I broke the nail on it!

What do you think? :) Nicey? 

Thanks for reading all! 

Bye for now!



  1. It's cute! Your crochet tree and the mani!

  2. Super cute, even better with sparkle, I could try this...maybe with textured polishes...

  3. These look amazing! I love the designs on a white base... They look so classy :D love these nails! :)

    1. haha classy is what I was going for :) thanks!

  4. You never fail to amaze me with your cute manis! and such an adorable christmas tree crochet :D x

    1. Hehe I'm glad you like them :D I love all your complicated brush manicures! x


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