Friday, 6 June 2014

Pokemon Nail Art!

Hey all, I found this awesome pattern this week for a Pokeball, I crocheted it and ohhhhh boyyyyy I love it!  I decided to do my nails to suit the ball! I made both the general looking pokeball and the premier ball, which I drew as an accent nail :) Here it is :) What do you guys think?! I love how it turned out :) Thank you for reading! Bye for now! ...
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Friday, 30 May 2014

MoYou Stamping Plate Review!

Hey ladies, Earlier in the week I got an email from MoYou asking me if I could review their stamping plates...okay at first I was a little confused because I have been out of blogging for over 2 months! Lol, I never expected it, so it was a nice surprise. I received plate numbers 103 and 105. I used plate 105 for the look I am about to show you. When I received the plates they were covered in a protective blue cover which you remove. Also got the scraper and stamper along with black polish :) I was really impressed with the...
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Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Sally Hansen Sugar Coat Swatches - Royal Icing, Red Velvet and Treat-Heart!

Hey all, has been so long since I have blogged, painted my nails and even bought nails polish. It has been 2 months and a bit...I really suffered from loosing my so called "mojo"  I had exams which were pretty stressful, they literally took over my life. I lost interest in a lot of things, my love for nail polish and crochet had actually gone...I'm slowly getting back into the groove now since University is over for the summer (more like rainy weather) so im getting back to my hobbies :) A few weeks ago I popped...
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Saturday, 8 March 2014

NOTW - Skittles and Swatch!

Hey Ladies, Again it has been a while since I've posted something!  This time round I decided to just show you all what's been on my nails this past 8 days or so.  This passed week I painted my nails using glitter and stamping, made a pretty impressive skittle I think! Love the colour contrast between purple and green :) also I added more glitter on top of the tiger stamped nails just to stick to the theme of glitter! I had this on for a good 5 days :O that's a first! Here it is :) What do you think...
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Thursday, 27 February 2014

Maybelline Color Show - In Your Flesh!

Hey all, It has been a while since I posted, im just enjoying my life to the fullest. My blogging mojo has gone, I know this since im not getting excited over polish anymore...must just be stress and such stuff getting to me. A couple weeks ago I bought a nude polish by Maybelline - In your flesh. It's a very lovely colour, barely shows up on your nails and really matches my skin tone I think. The formula of the polish is great as I was able to get full coverage in two coats and it was really shiny and I had no need for topcoat....
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Saturday, 22 February 2014

Studsies - Born Pretty Store Silver & Gold Studs!

Hey all. Having a good weekend? :) Today I have my second review for the studs* I got from the Born Pretty Store! They are gold and silver in colour and vary in sizes, from 1.2mm, 2mm and 3mm :)  I really like having that variation in size, it means I can place more than one stud on my nails :) I did a really simple design using these and inspiration from bloggers here and there :) Here it is: There is one annoying thing about the larger studs, they are too concave. Which means when I wanted...
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Sunday, 16 February 2014

Errmagerd I Got Me Studs!

Hey Ladies, How is it all going!? I have a review today for you all of Born Pretty Store 400pcs 2mm Neon Studs*...I am so EXCITEEEEED :D!! I love studs, I have seen so many bloggers use them and create wonderful manicures! I just really wanted some and I am so glad that I got sent some to review! Whooop! :D Here are the Studs - A bunch of wonderful colours, some are neon and a few are pastel :) I do love that there is such a variety of colours and has some pastel colours too! The size is great, you can definitely fit more that...
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Saturday, 15 February 2014

Swatch Saturday - Sally Hansen Sugar Coat!

Hey Ladies :) Hope you're all having a great weekend!!  Recently, I've popped into Poundland and....I was blow away! There was a bunch of Sally Hansen Sugar Coat polishes that had only come out like a year ago. I was quite confused as to why these polishes were in Poundland but nonetheless I took the ooportunity to purchase a few :)  Sadly, there was only black, white and yellow available NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I need the full collection :( That's when the hunting started...I went to all the Poundlands I knew! then I found...
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Wednesday, 12 February 2014

KBShimer - Radioactive!

Hey ladies, I hope you've all had a good week, I am looking forward to the weekend and relaxing. Been a stressful week for me in all aspects! It's tough being a student...hard to stay sane lol  Bleh...I'm so sad that I don't enjoy blogging as often as I want to. I do my nails and have a tonne saved up to post but just don't have the motivation to do it.  On my little break right now (doing a long ass essay on Telomeres) I wanted to share with you my second indie polish ever! :) lol  It's KBShimmer - Radioactive,...
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Friday, 7 February 2014

SpaRitual Explore Spring Collection - Firefly!

Hey Ladies, How are you all doing?! Today I have a very special polish! I have been sent* one of the new polishes as part of the SpaRitual Explore Spring Collection 2014 I was sent the lovely Firefly, it is a bright yellow crème polish....and boy is it BRIGHT! I actually got seriously dazed!  The polish itself is sheer and does take many layers to achieve a decent coverage HOWEVER the plus side is that each layer dries pretty fast making it easier to built up layers. I have 4 layers on my index and middle finger and...
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